Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Checking or Reserving Funds for a Journal Batch

If you are using budgetary control, you can check, reserve, or unreserve funds for individual journal entries or a journal batch.

To check or reserve funds for a journal batch:
1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.
2. Query the batch for which you want to check or reserve funds. The Batch window appears.
3. Enter optional batch information.
4. Choose Journals. The Journals window appears.
5. Enter journal information.
6. Enter journal lines and save your work.
7. You can check funds any time before reserving them. To check the availability of funds for the current journal entry or for the entire batch, choose Check Funds. A message indicates whether funds are available.
8. To reserve funds for the current journal entry or for the entire batch, choose Reserve Funds.
A message indicates whether funds are reserved.

After you reserve funds, you can only modify the journal entry or batch if you unreserve the funds. After funds are reserved, the button label on the Reserve Funds button changes to Unreserve Funds. If you choose Unreserve Funds, the journal batch reverts back to unreserved status and the button label changes to Reserve Funds.

9. After checking or reserving funds, choose View Results to view available funds.

You can check, reserve, or view funds from the Batch window, as well as from the Journals window, by choosing the Check Funds, Reserve Funds, or View Results buttons respectively.

To unreserve funds: To update or delete an approved journal batch, you can unreserve
funds, modify your journal batch, and then re–reserve funds, if necessary.
  • You can unreserve funds only if your journal batch has a funds status of Passed and the batch posting status is Unposted or Processing.
  • Choose Unreserve Funds for an approved journal or batch to unreserve the funds. If your funds unreservation succeeds, your journal batch funds status changes to Required, and all
    corresponding funds check information is deleted.

Submitting Journal Batches for Approval: If Journal Approval is enabled for your set of books, journal batches whose journal source requires approval must be approved by a manager whose authorization limit is high enough to allow approval. You will not be able to post your batch to the general ledger until you receive this approval.

The approval limit is compared against the maximum net journal line value. For foreign currency journal entries, the limit is applied against the converted amount.

From either the Enter Journals, Batch, or Journals window, choose the Approve button.
After submitting your journal batch for approval, you will receive a message indicating the result of your request.

The message indicates one of the following Batch statuses-

• batch was self–approved, if you are authorized to approve your own journal batches
• batch has been sent to an approver
• batch was invalid, Invalid batches must be corrected and resubmitted for approval. If
your journal batch was sent to an approver, periodically check your notifications for a response.

Approving Journal Batches: If Journal Approval is enabled for your set of books, journal batches whose journal source requires approval must be approved by a manager whose authorization limit is high enough to allow approval. When the journal batch is submitted for approval, it will move through your organization’s approval hierarchy, based on the approver method specified by the Journals: Find Approver Method profile option. Each approver will receive a notification when their approval is required.

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